Burra Lotjpa Dunguludja (AJA4) Evaluation Standards

Recognise the rights of Aboriginal people to self-determination and to control, protect, maintain, and develop their cultural heritage, including traditional knowledge and intellectual property.

Respect the right of Aboriginal people to full participation in the evaluation, in line with their relevant skills and experiences. The specialist knowledge of particular community members and their potential contributions should be recognised and involved wherever possible and appropriate. There should be Aboriginal input into all aspects of the evaluation, including the design, ownership of data, data interpretation and publication of findings.

Accessible and culturally appropriate informed consent processes which make clear when, how and who will be involved in the evaluation process, what information will be collected, how the information will be recorded and used, the likely risks and benefits arising from participation and the overall potential benefits of an evaluation.

Acknowledge the diversity and uniqueness of Aboriginal communities, groups and individuals, including different cultures, experiences, perspectives and languages. Evaluation activities should reflect the different perspectives and experiences and not generalise from one community to others or to all Aboriginal people.

Agree on plans for the communication and use of evaluation results. The ownership of evaluation results, and how they will be used, should be agreed at the start of the evaluation with relevant Aboriginal community members and/or appropriate Koori community organisations.

Adhere to all ethics and privacy policies of the Department of Justice and Community Safety.