Goal 4.1

My community is involved in leading and building a culturally strong and safe youth justice system.


  • 4.1.1 Aboriginal organisations are supported and enabled to deliver youth justice programs and services.
  • 4.1.2 Aboriginal community led justice services are accessed by Aboriginal children and young people and their families in their communities.

What it means for the young person

  • If I have offended, my community plays a central role in my care and planning and will be able to develop and design resources for me.
  • Wherever I go, I will receive consistency of services and continuity of care, that will travel across Aboriginal community organisations.

What we will do 2022-2032

  • Set up at least one Aboriginal Youth Justice Hub to deliver community-based services that keep Aboriginal children and young people connected to family, community, and culture, and explore options for more hubs in additional locations.
  • Embed Aboriginal specific principles in the new Youth Justice Act that set out practical ways to further self-determination and achieve Aboriginal led responses. For example, this includes considering:
    • an Aboriginal statement of recognition that acknowledges structural racism
    • Aboriginal specific principles to facilitate self-determination, and
    • a duty to develop strategic partnerships to share information and allow for the progressive transfer of authority.
  • Establish an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation sector sub-committee of the Youth Collaborative Working Group to:
    • advise on ways to support Aboriginal organisations to care for Aboriginal children and young people and their families in contact with the justice system, including workforce development, capacity building and sector development
    • host two Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation sector roundtables per year with the Minister for Youth Justice to focus on the ACCO experience in caring for and managing Aboriginal children and young people in contact with the youth justice system
    • support the Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation sector to design and innovate new Aboriginal Youth Justice programs and services.
  • Provide stable and sustainable funding and explore outcome-based funding models (minimum three-year cycle) for programs and services delivered by Aboriginal community organisations to increase program efficiency and stronger engagement with Aboriginal children and young people.
  • Adopt Aboriginal-first principle in commissioning programs and services including Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation’s right of first refusal.
  • Share data and information to provide Aboriginal organisations with the full picture of the child and community trends to enable Aboriginal led responses.
  • Provide community based Aboriginal Youth Justice Programs with additional brokerage funding to deliver cultural strengthening activities and practical support to Aboriginal children and young people and their families.
  • Explore options as part of the new Youth Justice Act to establish an Aboriginal division of the Youth Parole Board to promote self-determination and deliver more culturally appropriate parole responses.