Where we are up to
The Family Violence Practice Leadership Team (FVPLT) seeks Aboriginal community representative reviews of family violence policies and processes. We have engaged the KJU and external Aboriginal services in the development and review of Family Violence training and other relevant family violence documents, policies and processes. For example, the Aboriginal Justice Caucus reviewed the Foundational Family Violence Training package and the Women, Victims and Families CWG reviewed the companion Cultural Sensitivity Processes document. The FVPLT further advises DJCS stakeholders to consult with relevant Aboriginal services, including KJU, on family violence policies and processes in relation to their work. This includes asking KJU to participate in the new DJCS Culture Change Training Working Group led by the FVPLT.
Further, family violence policies, procedures, practices guidance and tools within the justice system must be updated to align with the Family Violence Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management Framework (MARAM). The MARAM Framework and associated practice guidance, tools and training embed intersectionality, cultural safety and trauma informed practice throughout all aspects of family violence practice.
Through the 2021-22 State Budget, the Family Violence Mental Health (FVMH) Branch received $2 million over four years and $0.5 million ongoing to trial and embed legal services within The Orange Door Network. This funding provides an opportunity to deliver a pilot which connects clients of The Orange Door Network with legal services that meet their needs, is culturally safe, and ensures clients of legal services are effectively connected to The Orange Door for family violence and child wellbeing support. The pilot commenced in October 2022 and will run for 12 months, based at The Orange Door Bayside.
The Service Design Model which demonstrates how the pilot will work in practice was developed through several stakeholder workshops. Djirra and Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service (VALS) were funded to participate in service design workshops, as well as to be members of the governance forums which oversee pilot implementation. This ensures that all policies and processes for the pilot are reviewed by Aboriginal Legal Services before they are implemented.
The FVMH Branch also led the implementation of Royal Commission into Family Violence Recommendation 59 which required the Victorian government to consider whether police should be given the power to issue Family Violence Intervention Orders in the field. As part of the project, an evaluation of the current system was undertaken informed by robust stakeholder consultation. This included a dedicated focus group with key Aboriginal stakeholders.