Where we are up to
In Parkville Youth Justice Centre (Parkville YJC) the Jaara Jaara (Indigenous garden) has been developed as a cultural space for therapeutic and cultural healing. In addition to the Yannipal Visitors Centre and the adjacent Yannipal Garden, Youth Justice have procured a shipping container which will be converted into a fully functional space for a dedicated Koori room in Parkville YJC.
Within the Malmsbury Youth Justice Centre (Malmsbury YJC), the pre-existing Coorong Tongala Room has been renovated, redecorated, refurnished and provided with a range of resources to provide Aboriginal young people with a culturally safe and enjoyable place to call their own.
The dedicated Aboriginal room at Parkville YJC has been modelled on the existing facility in Malmsbury YJC where young people can involve themselves in cultural programs, meet with their Community Based Aboriginal Youth Justice Workers or the Aboriginal Liaison Officer.
In addition to strengthening Parkville and Malmsbury to meet the cultural needs of Aboriginal young people, the new Cherry Creek Youth Justice facility will be responsive to Aboriginal children and young people who require a tailored approach to supporting their cultural needs.
Cheery Creek youth justice facility has a Spiritual and Cultural Centre. This will offer a variety of spaces for the provision of spiritual and culturally specific programs and activities for Aboriginal young people, and young people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and a range of faiths.
The Spiritual and Cultural Centre is made up of two spaces:
- a dedicated space for Aboriginal young people, and
- a multi-faith space for spiritual activities of all faiths.
The names given to these spaces are in traditional Wadawurrung language. Spiritual and Cultural Centre – Merrim-a (meaning ‘place of reflection’) and Aboriginal Cultural Centre – Barra bgal-a (meaning ‘quiet place to think’). The spiritual and cultural spaces include gardens, with a yarning circle and picnic style seating, and a foot washing room next to the multi-faith space. There is also a dedicated building for cultural and spiritual staff and visitors.